Sunday, May 27, 2007

Canada's Team Latrine

These fine young men came to Caranavi, Bolivia.. said they would do anything..

Our house helper Maria and her two kids, had been living without a toilet for a couple months. The day before she had shared the hard ships of a stomach flu with no toilet..... So I asked Graham and Chad "Have you ever built a Latrine?" they hadn't but like good volunteers they were ready to do whatever, so with a couple of pictures from every missionaries favorite bedside reading, Where There is no Doctor, and a shovel they headed out...
We love Volunteers like Chad and Graham, they came to connect with the culture and do Anything..... that's a attitude for success. They also set up this blog page, spent five days taking care of the four Kraft kids, acted on our Live TV show and welded a stand together for the TV studio.. A Willingness... that was impacting.... as two who came following a traveling singing group. They said, "well we don't sing, or dance, but WE DO DISHES......" If you are willing to do anything..Caranavi might be the place for you... for a couple weeks,,, a few months... a lifetime...


jeff and austen said...

yes! building a bathroom, awesome. sounds like a good time chad and graham. glad to see nic is puting you two to work!

Girl_In_Saskatoon said...

Well I am glad that someone finally put those to to good use. And found a new talent they had. Who know?!?!